Like many other bloggers lately, our traffic numbers started rising rapidly and inexplicably. The origin turned out to be a site called AlphaInventions. It turns out that these kind folks decided to provide fledgling blog sites a way to increase site traffic quickly.
This site selects and features a wide variety of blogs. Each blog is displayed, as-is and in-full, on the AlphaInventions home page. Though the exposure is only a few seconds, it is long enough for others to explore and enjoy your blog.
Why do they do this? The site creator, Cheru Jackson, wanted to connect the blogger community more directly and more personally. At AlphaInventions, chances are good the blog's publisher is still online when the blog is shown to AlphaInventions users. There are links back to your site, links to add your site to Digg, Reddit,, and/or StumbleUpon, and other details that make this site fun and interesting. All you have to do is get your blog in their queue.
Fortunately, you don't have to wait for them to find you. AlphaInventions visitors can manually add a blog to the queue. The most obvious way is to go there, read a few blog sites to get a feel for what they do and how it works, then notify readers of your own blog. This puts you in the queue (and, unfortunately bumps someone else out).
The simplest (and kindest) way to get in the queue is to be nice to them. They actively look for sites that link to AlphaInventions, feature articles aboutAlphaInventions, or simply mention AlphaInventions. These sites get a special feature on their site. You can also donate funds, which helps them help all of us - and gives you a special mention on their site.
Once you're in the queue, AlphaInventions will monitor your blog for updates. Any time you publish a new article, your blog gets bumped up and site visitors see your new post quickly, most often within an hour of posting!
While you're there, explore the other blogs being featured. We find new sites to explore every time we visit. You'll be glad you visited AlphaInventions. We certainly were!
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